Type 2 Diabetes Reversal and Metabolic Therapy Program

Personalized, 1-to-1 lifestyle and nutritional coaching for the reversal of type 2 diabetes and obesity

Enova Wellness (ENOVA) exists with one mission in mind – to help heal clients suffering from metabolic syndrome and related illnesses. Through lifestyle and nutritional coaching, our coaches provide program participants with the education, guidance, support, and structure they need to successfully reverse type II diabetes, lose weight, and more.

This is a Type II Diabetes Reversal Program – NOT a Diabetes Maintenance Program.

Our Approach

Nutrition and lifestyle plays a crucial role in the health of each and every one of us. In fact, most health problems are likely caused by poor food choices, or a combination of both poor food choices, a poor lifestyle, and years of BAD advice. That’s why we fundamentally believe that food selection combined with lifestyle strategies is our primary remedy to many ailments. This approach is the foundation of our program, which is why ENOVA can help reverse Type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, obesity, and metabolic syndrome, and more. We endeavor to help all our clients make smart food choices and engage in a lifestyle that will benefit them significantly over the long term. However, we also know that for some people, correct food choices alone may not be enough. Some people are afflicted with an illness or disease that must be treated with regular medication. That is why we insist that – even as you move through your journey with ENOVA – you still seek regular treatment from your physician. It may be that your medications can be reduced over time, but as we have said elsewhere on our site, this is a discussion you must have with your doctor. For many people, our program and their physician’s oversight is the perfect combination to reversing ill-health – we are ready and willing to help you find that balance, too.

Our Approach

Nutrician and lifestyle plays a crucial role in the health of each and every one of us. In fact, most health problems are likely caused by poor food choices, or a combination of both poor food choices, a poor lifestyle, and years of BAD advice. That’s why we fundamentally believe that food selection combined with lifestyle strategies is our primary remedy to many ailments. This approach is the foundation of our program, which is why ENOVA can help reverse Type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, obesity, and metabolic syndrome, and more. We endeavor to help all our clients make smart food choices and engage in a lifestyle that will benefit them significantly over the long term. However, we also know that for some people, correct food choices alone may not be enough. Some people are afflicted with an illness or disease that must be treated with regular medication. That is why we insist that – even as you move through your journey with ENOVA – you still seek regular treatment from your physician. It may be that your medications can be reduced over time, but as we have said elsewhere on our site, this is a discussion you must have with your doctor. For many people, our program and their physician’s oversight is the perfect combination to reversing ill-health – we are ready and willing to help you find that balance, too.

What Do Our Clients Say?

Enova wellness has changed my life. I am a nurse of 20 years, who has been clinically trained on nutritional requirements and metabolic standards. Over the past 20 years I gained approximately 40 plus pounds and was told by my primary care physician that I was borderline diabetic. Multiple times over the past 20 years I tried several diets using my knowledge of what I had been taught regarding nutritional requirements. With each diet I tried I would lose some weight, and would gain all of the weight back plus some. The problem with diets is that they are not sustainable for an extended period of time. They are either too costly, too extreme, or just too involved. You need to reprogram your brain and make lifestyle changes in order to successfully lose weight and keep it off.

In August of 2017 I found Enova Wellness and began to follow the steps to make a lifestyle change in regards to my dietary choices and eating habits. Through Enova's lifestyle coaching and dietary advice, I was able to lose 45 pounds and 7 inches in my waist over 3 months without doing any exercise. In addition to that I am no longer borderline diabetic. Due to the guidance and coaching from Enova Wellness I have learned to be thin and to live a healthy lifestyle for the rest of my life.

Shawn R.

During my annual check-up with my doctor in December of 2015 he mentioned that I was pre-diabetic and handed me a blood glucose tester. He wanted me to check my glucose levels for the following two weeks and report back to him. The thought of having diabetes was scary to me. At the time my weight was just over 300 lbs. and I was having chronic pain in my knees.

After listening to my doctor, I reached out to Jay and the ENOVA Wellness Program for help. Jay gave me the insight and steps I needed to resolve the condition I was in. After two weeks of following the lifestyle and coaching provided by the program I was able to see the results in my physical appearance. So, when I returned for my follow up appointment with my physician he was surprised and bewildered that my blood sugar levels where now in the normal level range. The attending nurse called it a “Miracle!” only miracle was finding the ENOVA wellness program.

Since starting the program I am down 110 lbs. and have been able to keep it off following the techniques and guidance given by the Enova program. -Bob C.

Bob C.

Two years ago, if you had asked me what my outlook on life was, I would have probably replied, it wasn’t worth living. I was severely overweight and weighing in at 300 lbs. I was fat, sick, and nearly dead.

Not only was I severely overweight, I was addicted to food and an overeater. I was placed on two heart medications from my doctor because my blood pressure was so high, and I had an irregular heartbeat. I was also taking medication for reflux. My esophagus stayed inflamed all the time, that I had developed a chronic cough, which required me to take another medication for that, not to mention that I was placed on an inhaler, because I couldn’t walk across the floor without having a hard time breathing.

Today, a year and half later, I am 100 lbs lighter, 62 years old, and five sizes smaller. This is the first time in many years that I have not met my deductible on insurance. Three months ago (January 2018), I have been taken off ALL my medications and my blood test are coming back normal and perfect. In fact, my Cardiologist wanted to do an Echocardiogram as he wanted to see what was going on in my heart before he stopped my medication completely. When the test results came back, and I went to his office to discuss my results, he looked at me and said, “that my Echocardiogram was normal and that he has not seen normal in a very long time”. I questioned, “normal such as normal for me”, and he said “no, I haven’t seen normal as long as I have been practicing medicine”. He said the fluid around my heart was gone, the irregular heart beat was gone, and the signs that I had of Mitral Valve Prolapse was also gone. He was so impressed with my results that he inquired on how I had lost the weight. Well, I just couldn’t wait to tell him of my journey of how God gave me my life back, by using a health couch. Basically, my coach saved my life. I will tell anyone who wants to listen.

I have also learned that you cannot do this on your own, you can try and maybe lose a little, but after the loss, you will always gain it back, and go back to your old eating habits, and then you are back where your started. If you are serious and want to get your life back, you must have a coach, it is worth the investment.


Sue B.

What Do Our Clients Say?

Enova wellness has changed my life. I am a nurse of 20 years, who has been clinically trained on nutritional requirements and metabolic standards. Over the past 20 years I gained approximately 40 plus pounds and was told by my primary care physician that I was borderline diabetic. Multiple times over the past 20 years I tried several diets using my knowledge of what I had been taught regarding nutritional requirements. With each diet I tried I would lose some weight, and would gain all of the weight back plus some. The problem with diets is that they are not sustainable for an extended period of time. They are either too costly, too extreme, or just too involved. You need to reprogram your brain and make lifestyle changes in order to successfully lose weight and keep it off.
In August of 2017 I found Enova Wellness and began to follow the steps to make a lifestyle change in regards to my dietary choices and eating habits. Through Enova’s lifestyle coaching and dietary advice, I was able to lose 45 pounds and 7 inches in my waist over 3 months without doing any exercise. In addition to that I am no longer borderline diabetic. Due to the guidance and coaching from Enova Wellness I have learned to be thin and to live a healthy lifestyle for the rest of my life.
Shawn R.

The Program:

Our program is here to help remedy a range of metabolic and related disorders, such as Type 2 diabetes, pre-diabetes and obesity. Our only mission is to equip our clients with everything they need to transform their health through lifestyle change and informed nutritional choices. Although our approach is heavily based on the “What, When and How?” food intake, it does not rely on supplements of any kind. Instead we offer a whole-foods based approach, which is heavily influenced by the ancestral health movement. The only ‘supplement’ to this is the expert, 1-to-1 lifestyle and nutritional coaching offered by our weight management specialist and staff. Combined, we promise that they provide everything you need to turn your health around.

Initial 30-minute consultation:

•Answer your questions about the program •Assess whether or not you are an eligible candidate for the program •Meet with a highly qualified counselor who is experienced in working with cases in Type II diabetics, pre-diabetes and obesity •Discuss your personal goals, needs and current medical condition

Exclusive services including:

•Introductory program workshop covering the basics of the ENOVA Wellness Program •Blood glucose and ketone testing •Resting Metabolic Rate testing •Body composition analysis, to assess your body fat percentage •Monitored mobile app for daily vitals, food logs and tracking your program progress

Your ENOVA coach will provide you with an individualized assessment and program strategy. They are responsible for providing coaching and support, answering questions, troubleshooting, and scheduling. Follow-up appointments are 30-45 minutes long, done in office and occur weekly for the first three weeks and monthly thereafter.

We do not offer any medical advice, treatment, supervision, or care – we are a lifestyle and nutritional coaching provider only. As such, we are legally unable to provide advice on any medications, tests or medical conditions you may have. Your own physician remains responsible for this. While we support clients through expert coaching and education, it is important to note that you will NOT be under the medical supervision of a physician in during your time with us. We recommend that you provide your physician with regular updates on the lifestyle and nutritional changes you are making as part of the ENOVA Wellness Program.

I’m Ready!

Please remember that you should always consult your doctor when making significant changes to your nutritional choices and/or lifestyle. This includes arranging medical follow ups and blood tests where needed. Your physician will prescribe changes to any medications in accordance to any nutritional and/or lifestyle changes you make. To be clear; ENOVA provides coaching and lifestyle guidance only and does not become involved in the decision-making process of any medical issue – such decisions are made between you and your physician, only. Use the link below and complete the enrollment form, you will be contacted by one of our team members to arrange a 30-minute consultation ($50 fee) in person. This consultation is provided to answer any questions you may have about our service and to ensure that you are an appropriate candidate for the ENOVA Wellness Program. Should you choose to begin your journey with us, you will then be able to make payment and secure your place on our program. Once accepted into program your initial consultation fee will be applied to total cost.

Still unsure? Have a question?


Copyright © 2020 ENOVA Wellness Program, all rights reserved.

Disclaimer: Information on this web site is provided for informational purposes only. The information is a result of years of practical experience by the author. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. Do not use the information on this web site for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other health care professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read on this web site.